Saturday, June 30, 2007

Terrapass: Do Something about your Carbon Footprint


In the 'burbs of Jacksonville, driving is something that lacks option. TerraPass gives you an opportunity to do something about your carbon footprint. On average, it costs about $50 a year to balance your driving (or at least it does for my little Scion xA).

Check it out.

You can also TerraPass your flights, your home, your wedding, your gifts.

If you can't stop driving, at least you can TerraPass.


Mary Tappouni said...

Cute car Ellen! TerraPass is also great to "offset" air travel. Sites like expedia offer an add on option during booking. Keep spreading the word. :)

Ellen Leroy Reed, LEED AP BD+C said...

Hi Mary,

TerraPass seems like a great option for someone that may not be in the market for a new vehicle, but wants to give a little back.

Take note, SUV'ers! This is your chance!