Sent to me by Mark "Mr. Green" Gelfo:
TLC Engineering for Architecture, already a leader in sustainable building design services in the Southeast, is becoming a greener organization in practice as well.John Douglas Benz, AIA, Chairman, announced that the board of directors has approved a series of sustainability policies aimed at helping the environment. One key initiative is for TLC to become to become carbon neutral by purchasing renewable energy credits (RECs) to offset the energy used for power, lighting, heating and cooling in the firm's nine offices. The credits will go to a portfolio of small landfill gas-to-energy projects throughout the U.S that are certified by "Green-e", the nation's leading independent renewable energy certification and verification program. We use these projects because the methane they destroy for fuel has 21 times the global warming potential than carbon dioxide. Most of the world's climate scientists agree that the emission of greenhouses gases has a significant negative impact on the climate and global warming.
We will also purchase renewable energy credits for all travel associated with green projects, green design services and commissioning.

Employees are being asked to do their part by turning off lights in work spaces and conference rooms when they aren't in use and shutting down computers and other electronic equipment at night and on weekends. Water-conservation measures are also being initiated. Several of TLC's offices have had water- and energy-saving policies in place for some time with much success.

“This endeavor illustrates TLC's firm belief that we are all stewards of the environment. As a firm, we are passionate about sustainability, not just in green building design, but in the way we live our lives,” said Mark Gelfo, PE, LEED AP, CxA, director of the Jacksonville Office.
In fact, TLC-Jacksonville's new quarters in the DuPont Center recently achieved U.S. Green Building Council LEED Silver certification and became the first office space in the state to be certified for Commercial Interiors. Natural sunlight bathes the interiors of the office, which is designed with energy efficient lighting and equipment, sensor faucets, and carpet and furnishings that are low in chemical emitting compounds. Recycled and local materials were used in renovating the 13,000-sq-ft space to reduce waste and cut down on transportation costs. Additionally, bicycle storage, a shower and a changing room for employees who want to bike to work have been included in the design. The engineering systems were designed by the TLC office staff.
If you'd like to hear more about TLC's environmental stewardship, e-mail Mark.
Congratulations to the crew at TLC for taking the extra step to do the right thing. Keep up the good work!
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