Friday, January 25, 2008

Women Build for HabiJax: What does THAT cost?

Do you know that HabiJax pre-cuts all their materials to minimize waste?

Do you know that HabiJax recycles and reuses so much material that they rarely need to have trash hauled away?

Do you know that HabiJax installs Energy Star appliances in all their homes?

Do you know that HabiJax was green before green was cool?

We do, which is why we're so proud to support the 2008 Women Build project.

We also know that HabiJax is already doing so much to reduce the cost of their homes to bare minimum and still provide a welcoming, healthy home for their deserving families.

Now, for the big "Do you know"... Do you know that, after all those cost-saving measures, and sweat-equity, a HabiJax project must still raise $65,000 to bring the project together?

We definitely do. Which is why we need help! To raise the roof, we need to raise $65K!

Please spread the word, incorporate this worthwhile project into your yearly charitable budgets, and find a spot in your own wallet for HabiJax this year.

Pass it along and help us make Women Build a roof-raising success!

E-mail me at to learn how you can help.

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