Monday, September 24, 2007

Why it's good to live and work downtown

I can't pass up an opportunity to give support to two worthy causes, and it's especially convenient when I can support two of them at the same time:

RADO and Green Team Project (aka Sarah Boren)

Riverside Avondale Development Organization is sponsoring the film, "The End of Suburbia" which (according to Jennifer McCharen at RADO) "is basically a detailed explanation of how screwed we’ll be (we sprawl-builders and SUV-drivers) when the oil runs out and/or the planet decides to annihilate us. Yay!"

I've not seen it so I cannot personally endorse the film one way or another, but knowledge is always powerful, so get thee to Fuel on October 4th at 7pm. View. Report back.

And, Sarah Boren, my fellow USGBC committee member and executive director of the Green Team Project will be on hand to field questions afterward. She is quite knowledgeable on all things green and the opportunity to pick her brain is time well spent.

Thanks, Jennifer, for passing it along.

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