Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Breaking News: Jacksonville's Sustainable Building Ordinance

It's passed!

The Ordinance was voted on this evening at the City Council meeting and I have it on good authority that it was approved!


Thanks to all the hard working people that have dedicated so much time, expertise, passion, and knowledge to this cause.

We also commend the City of Jacksonville, their City Council, and the COJ leadership that had the vision to see how important sustainability is to Jacksonville.

Now, it's time to spread the word about how this ordinance can benefit developers and those considering LEED certification.

THIS is the carrot we've all been hoping for.... This is the incentive we've needed to assist our clients in making the right, green decision on their building projects.

Remember: fast-track permitting is a good thing. Time is money. Saving time means saving money. Help your clients save money by saving time and achieve the added benefit of saving the planet.

It's a good day in J-ville!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Jacksonville Sustainable Building Ordinance

After over a year of hard work by dedicated members of Jacksonville's Environmental Protection Board, the Environmental Quality Division of the COJ, the US Green Building Council of North Florida, and many, many more concerned citizens of our City....

The Sustainable Building Ordinance will be voted on tomorrow, Tuesday, April 14th, by the City Council!

Join us at 5pm for the City Council Meeting and support the City's sustainable efforts.

For more information, www.coj.net